Thursday 5 March 2009

Some urgent news for you on the World Internet Summit

I have some very urgent news for you, so please don't say you weren't warned.

It's about the upcoming World Internet Summit on March 12-14, 2009 on the Gold
Coast, Australia.

As it turns out you may not be able to attend, sorry.

This urgent news is explained here.



Thursday 26 February 2009


World Internet Summit is the only internet business event with world-wide proof that it delivers. On the webpage there is testimonial after testimonial from happy people around the globe who have attended and loved every minute of it. Even videos you can watch for their honest and candid thoughts.



Joint Venture Club

World Internet Summit is the only event in the world with a Joint Venture Club. What's that? It's a dedicated section set up for attendees to create deals with each other. It's the perfect place to find like-minded people. In fact, one attendee created a $1,000,000 deal last year - all because of the Joint Venture Club.



How to create and market businesses on the internet.

World Internet Summit is the ONLY step-by-step internet business event. No other event in the world dedicates 4 days to teaching people how to create and market businesses on the internet. Including one day set aside just for "newbies" - where everything is taken nice and slow. Meaning people remember what they learn.



Make money while you are asleep

Can you imagine having a business that runs on virtual auto-pilot? Meaning it makes money when you're not even there? That's what thousands of people are now doing on the internet. But there is a wrong way ... and a right way.

12 of the world's best internet marketers are coming to speak at World Internet Summit to show how they do it. There's only a few seats left (and it always sells out).

But if you want to be there, visit this webpage right now:



What's working and selling on the Internet

12 of the world's best internet marketers are coming to speak at World Internet Summit. There's only a few seats left (every year it sells out). But if you want the inside running on what's working and selling on the internet, you've got to be here.

In fact, there are 7 key reasons why you should attend. Check them out here:



Discover how to make money on the internet

If you'd like to finally discover how to make money on the internet, you've got to visit this website. 3 of the world's best internet experts are about to teach you how to do it and so much more.



Rub shoulders with 12 of the smartest Internet Marketers in the world

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's "pretenders." That's why when I visited the website below I knew it was the real deal. I've just found out about something so important to your business, that you could stand to lose a lot of money if you don't check it out.

Here's what I mean... It's all about a LIVE seminar where you get to rub shoulders with 12 of the smartest internet marketers in the world. All are proven experts in their field. And they're coming here to teach how they do it. There are 7 key reasons why you should attend.

Just click on the link below to find out:

